In the News


December 5: Dr. Celeste Arrington, GWIKS Director, was featured in the following articles:

December 5


Washington Journal, “Celeste Arrington on South Korea’s Brief Martial Law Declaration”

France24, “S.Korea political upheaval shows global democracy’s fragility – and resilience

El Confidencial, “Seis horas de tragicomedia coreana: todo lo que hay detrás del autogolpe fallido en Corea del Sur”

SBS News, “South Korea’s President faces impeachment”

KTen, “S. Korea political upheaval shows global democracy’s fragility and resilience”


December 4: Dr. Celeste Arrington, GWIKS Director, was featured in the following articles:

December 4


BBC News, “Yoon Suk Yeol, South Korea’s scandal-hit president who declared martial law”

The JoongAng, 6 hours under martial law: Why it was declared, and failed”

VOX, “The South Korean president’s stunning martial law decree, explained”

Newsweek, “South Korea Martial Law: Protesters Clash With Police”



November 20: The 2024 Global Korea Forum was featured in the following articles:

November 20

Yonhap News, 前美북한인권특사 “北에 인권압박 계속해야”…트럼프 2기에 제언

KBS, 전 미 북한인권특사 “北에 인권압박 계속해야”…트럼프 2기에 제언

YTN, 국제한반도포럼 워싱턴 개최…미 대선 영향 등 논의

The JoongAng, 유엔 北인권결의안 20년 연속 채택…’적대적 두 국가’ 첫 비판

Newsis, 통일장관 “”美 신행정부에서도 한미 하나된 대응 지속”

SE Daily, 국제한반도포럼 美 세미나…트럼프 대북정책 영향 논의

Yonhap News, 국제한반도포럼 20일 워싱턴 개최…美대선 대북정책 영향 논의

November 15: Korea Policy Forum with former Foreign Minister Park Jin was featured in the following articles:

November 15

Yonhap News, 박진 “동맹은 돈 아닌 가치…트럼프정부와 北비핵화로드맵 짜야”(종합)

Chosun, 박진 “동맹은 돈 아닌 가치, 한국은 ‘머니 머신’ 아니다”

KBS, 박진 “동맹은 돈 아닌 가치…트럼프정부와 북한 비핵화로드맵 짜야”

MBC, 박진 전 외교부 장관 “동맹은 돈 아닌 가치 문제‥비핵화 없이 평화 불가”

서을신문, 박진 “동맹은 돈 아닌 가치…한국, 머니머신 아냐”

Newsis, 박진 “트럼프 국가안보보좌관, 동맹·北비핵화 협력 중시”(종합)

Hankook Ilbo, 박진 전 외교장관 “한국, 방위비 14조 ‘머니 머신’ 아니라 기적 만드는 ‘미라클 머신’”

Nocut News, 박진 前외교 “한국은 ‘머니머신’ 아닌 기적의 머신”

뉴스1, 박진 전 외교부 장관 “한국은 머니머신 아닌 미라클머신”

FN News, 尹정부, 트럼프 ‘韓 패싱’ 우려..“北, 서울 거쳐야 워싱턴 간다”


October 17: Korea Policy Forum with Minister of Unification Kim Yung Ho was featured in the following articles:

October  17

Yonhap News, 김영호 통일장관 “통일, 이해득실 아닌 도덕적 의무로 접근해야”

Newsis, 통일장관 “젊은층 통일 반대, 이해득실로 접근하기 때문”

Hankyung, 김영호 통일부 장관 “한국인에게 통일은 도덕적 의무”

Segye, 김영호 통일장관, 워싱턴 특강서 “통일은 도덕적 의무”

rfa, 방미 통일장관 “대북전단 드론, 항공안전법 저촉 조사 중”

VoA, 한국 통일장관 “통일은 도덕적 의무∙∙∙흡수 통일 추진 안 해”

October 8: The 10/8 6th Annual North Korea Economic Forum Conference was featured in the following article: “북한이 코로나 때 ‘양적완화’ 대신 ‘긴축’한 이유는?”

September 5: Korea Week (9/3-9/5), which was co-sponsored with the KDI School, was featured in the following articles:

September 5

Yonhap, “美 “러, 1년간 北에서 컨테이너 1만6천500개 분량 탄약 등 조달”(종합)

SBS, “미 “러, 1년간 북한에서 컨테이너 1만 6천500개 조달

YTN, “미 “북한과 조건 없는 대화 가능…도발하면 대응”

Nocut News, “美 “북한과 대화 열려있지만, 도발 지속시 조치할 것

Munhwa, “美 “러, 1년간 北에서 컨테이너 1만6500개 분량 탄약 등 조달

Hankook Ilbo, ““11월 미 대선 전후 북 중대 도발 가능성”… 한미, 첫 시나리오별 북핵 대응 논의

TV Choson, ““러, 1년간 北에서 컨테이너 1만6500개 분량 탄약 등 조달

한국경제TV, “러, 1년간 北에서 컨테이너 1만6천500개 분량 탄약 등 조달”

rfa, “국무부, 최선희 유엔참석시 미북 외교장관 회담 가능성 시사

August 29: The 8/29 Korea Policy on “Cyber Shadows” was featured in the following article: “전 FBI 관리 “북, 중국 브로커 통해 탈취 암호화폐 현금화”

August 2: GWIKS Associate Director, Yonho Kim article with RFA on  북 선수들 ‘스마트 워치’ 사용 모습 포착…화웨이 모델 가능성

July 30: Syd Seiler’s paper was republished by The Asia Times: The US Election and North Korean Denuclearization

May 10: GWIKS Director, Jisoo M. Kim selected as 2024–2025 HARVARD RADCLIFFE INSTITUTE FELLOW

April 23: The 4/23 North Korea Economic Forum on Revisiting Sanctions on North Korea was featured in the following articles:

RFA, “전문가들 “우크라이나전 장기화로 올해 북한 경제 호전””

Newsis, “전문가들 “러북 경제협력 제한적…중국이 원하지 않아”

April 19: Yonho Kim, GWIKS Associate Director, was interviewed in Radio Free Asia (rfa), “편리성 증대 속 감시망 촘촘…북 디지털화 ‘명암’

January 17: John Merrill, a Senior Non-Resident Scholar at GWIKS, was featured in The KoreaTimes: “Inter-Korean space race

January 17: Stephen Costello, a Non-Resident Scholar at GWIKS, was featured in East Asia Forum: “Yoon’s gamble with ideology undercuts democracy and ignites inter-Korean tensions

January 10: Yonho Kim, GWIKS Associate Director, was interviewed in Radio Free Asia (rfa), “북, 신형 스마트폰∙짝퉁 에어팟 공개…중국산인듯


November 28: Youngjun Kim, GWIKS Visiting Scholar and a Professor at Korea National Defense University, was featured in the articles below for his remarks at a closed door session with journalists hosted by GWIKS.

November 28

Asahi, “ロシアと軍事協力進める北朝鮮 想定される「最悪のシナリオ」とは

KBS, “한미일, 협력 강화 속 동상이몽?

47News, “ロ朝協力で軍事衛星発射向上懸念 韓国専門家、中国連携の可能性も

The Sankei Shimbun, “「日米韓の安保協力強化へ議論加速を」 金永峻ジョージ・ワシントン大客員教授

Hankyoreh, “‘설계자’ 미국의 중국 견제 동참 명세서…북핵은 우선순위에 없다

November 9: John Merrill, a Non-Resident Scholar at GWIKS, was featured in The KoreaTimes: “Did an obscure ROK Navy raid help precipitate the Korean War?”

October 21: Ambassador Julie Turner’s remarks on October 21 at her speech on “Korea Policy Forum: The Covid-19 Pandemic and Digitial Human Rights in North Korea” were featured by the following articles in the table:

October 21

Yonhap News, “터너 美특사 “對北 정보유입 새전략 필요…위성 등에 투자할 것”

Radio Free Asia (rfa), “터너 북 인권특사 “북 정보 유입 위한 새 전략 필요”

Newsis, “美북한인권특사 “中강제북송 심각히 우려…문제제기 계속”

News 1, “美북한인권특사 “北, 인권 존중해야…中 ‘北주민 북송’ 심각히 우려”

YTN, “미 대북 인권특사 “대북 정보유입 새 전략 필요…위성에 투자”

BBS News, “터너 美특사 “북한 내 정보유입 새전략 필요”…위성 등에 투자할 것

Segye Ilbo, ““인권 세계 최악” 비판에 “인권 교살자” 막말로 맞받은 北

VOA, 터너 특사 “대북 정보유입 새 전략 개발해야…탈북민 역량 강화도 중요”

The Korea Herald, “US envoy renews grave concerns over China’s repatriation of N. Korean escapees

Sep 25: John Merrill, a Non-Resident Scholar at GWIKS, was featured in The KoreaTimes: “Kim and Putin recreate Cold War

Sep 21: Yonho Kim, GWIKS Associate Director, was interviewed in Radio Free Asia (rfa), “아시안게임 북 여성 응원단 ‘스마트워치’ 착용?

Sep 20: Yonho Kim, GWIKS Associate Director, was interviewed in VOA Russia, Putin and Kim Jong-un: “Alliance of Rogue Countries” Without Regard to China?

Aug 18: GWIKS’ Special Conference on “Syngman Rhee and the US-ROK Alliance” was featured in GW Today: GW Hosts Conference in Honor of the Republic of Korea’s Founding”

Aug 16: John Merrill, a Non-Resident Scholar at GWIKS, was featured in The KoreaTimes: “Challenge of Camp David” 

July 29: Dr. Gregg Brazinsky’s interview, “Gregg Brazinsky on the 70th Anniversary of the End of Korean War” on C-Span

July 24: John Merrill, a Non-Resident Scholar at GWIKS, was featured in The KoreaTimes: “Seoul should not offer lethal weapons to Ukraine”

July 2: John Merrill, a Non-Resident Scholar at GWIKS, was featured in The KoreaTimes: “Putin’s snapback”

May 31:  John Merrill, a Non-Resident Scholar at GWIKS, was featured in Nikkei Asia: “Washington Declaration isn’t slowing North Korea’s nuclear program”

May 23: Nakyon Lee, a Visiting Scholar at GWIKS and Former Prime Minister of South Korea, remarks on May 22 at his talk on “Book Launch: South Korea’s Survival Strategy – Nakyon Lee’s Initiative” were featured by the following articles in the table:

May 22

Donga Ilbo, “이낙연, 美서 책 출간…“韓 생존 위한 대외전략 탐구”

Daily Hankook, “이낙연, 책 출간 “미중 신냉전 눈앞에…한국 새 생존전략 필요”

Hangyoreh, “이낙연, 귀국 앞두고 ‘몸풀기’…외교전략 담은 책 펴내”

The Korea Daily, “대한민국 생존전략 – 이낙연의 구상”

News 1, “이낙연, 22일 워싱턴DC서 출판기념회 및 귀국간담회…내달 3일 독일行”

News 1, “이낙연 “한미일 협력 강화와 함께 한반도 긴장완화 추진돼야”

MBC, “‘6월 귀국’ 이낙연 “기존 정당, 과감히 혁신하고 알 깨야”

KBS, “이낙연 “한미일 협력강화·한반도 긴장완화 동시 추진해야”

May 10: The GW Institute for Korean Studies and Professor Young-Key Kim-Renaud, GWIKS Senior Advisor, were featured in the Korea Herald: “[Kim Seong-kon] From Hallyu fans to Korean studies specialists”

May 2: The 5/2 Korea Policy Forum on the Assessing the Biden-Yoon Summit: 70-Year Alliance and New Thinking was featured in the following article:

Yonhap News, “美전문가 “워싱턴선언, 핵무장론 없애진못하겠지만 적절한 타협”(종합)”

YTN, “워싱턴선언 미흡”·”적절한 타협” 평가 엇갈려”

KBS News, “미 ‘워싱턴선언’ 한국 방어선 어느 때보다 강력해져”

MBC News, “美전문가 “워싱턴선언, 핵무장론 없애진못하겠지만 적절한 타협”

SBS News, “미 전문가 “워싱턴 선언, 핵무장론 없애진 못하겠지만 적절한 타협”

Hankyung News, “美전문가 “워싱턴선언, 핵무장론 없애진못하겠지만 적절한 타협”

March 8: The 3/8 Korea Policy Forum on the South Korea’s Nuclear Armament Debate was featured in the following article:

RFA, “전문가 “중·러 안보 위협에 한국내 핵무장 여론 높아””

February 24: John Merrill, a Non-Resident Scholar at GWIKS, was featured in Nikkei Asia: “Nuclear weapons would only bring South Korea more trouble”

February 21: Prime Minister Nakyon Lee’s remarks on February 21 at his talk on “Realistic and Pragmatic Approach for Denuclearization and Peace on the Korean Peninsula” were featured by the following articles in the table:

February 21

Yonhap News Agency, “U.S. needs to take reciprocal steps to denuclearize N. Korea: former PM”

Korea Times,“US needs to take reciprocal steps to denuclearize N. Korea: former PM”

Yonhap News, “이낙연 “점진적 비핵화와 북미관계 정상화 동시 추진해야” 

KBS News, “이낙연 “점진적 비핵화·북미관계 정상화 동시 추진 필요””

SBS News, “이낙연 조지워싱턴대 강연 “비핵화-북미관계 정상화 동시 추진해야””

Chosun Ilbo, “조기 귀국설 이낙연, 美강연서 “점진적 北비핵화 필요”

The Joong Ang, “6월 귀국 이낙연, 워싱턴서 공개 강연 “美 대북 접근 비현실적””

News 1, “이낙연 “韓핵무장 요구, 위험하고 어리석어…北과 실용적 외교협상 해야””

Hankook Ilbo, “이낙연 “한국 핵무장 추구는 위험하고 어리석은 일” 일갈”

Hankyoreh, “이낙연 “북-미 수교 못 할 이유 없어…점진적 비핵화·관계정상화 해야””

Maeil Business Newspaper, “이낙연 “韓 핵무장론 위험…한미관계 악화, 군비경쟁 촉발할것””

Kukmin Ilbo, “이낙연 “바이든 행정부 한반도 무관심에 무력감…북과 수교 추진해야”

Segye Ilbo, “이낙연 “美, 북한과 수교 추진해야…바이든 행정부 한반도 무관심에 무력감””



November 15: The Korea Policy Forum with Ambassador Taeyong Cho was featured in the following articles: 

Yonhap News, “주미대사 전술핵 질문에 “안보에 어떤것도 제외안된다는게 사견”

KBS, “주미대사 ‘전술핵’ 질문에 “어떤것도 제외돼선 안된다는게 사견” 

SBS News, “주미대사 ‘전술핵’ 질문에 “안보에 어떤것도 제외안된다는게 사견” 

MBC, “주미대사, 전술핵 질문에 “어떤것도 제외돼선 안 된다는 사견” 

Joongang Ilbo, 주미대사, 전술핵 질문에 “북핵 공격에서 국민 보호위해선 뭐든 해야” 

Hankyoreh, 조태용 전술핵 재배치에 사견전제어떤 것도 배제 안돼 

Munhwa Ilbo, “조태용 주미 대사, 전술핵 질의에 사견전제 “어떤 것도 제외되선 안돼” 

Newsis, “주미대사, ‘전술핵 재배치’ 질문에 “어떤 것도 테이블서 제외해선 안돼” 

RFA, “조태용 주미대사, 전술핵 재배치 관련 “어떤 것도 제외대선 안돼” 

November 10: GWIKS Non-Resident Scholar John Merril was featured in the following artcile from Sisain: 미 북한전문가 존 메릴, “전술핵 재배치 한국 결정 사안 아냐···대북 특사 파견하라”

October 4: Dr. Danny Leipziger interviewed for Arirang on the impact of the rise of the U.S. Fed’s interest rates on Korea’s exports:

June 21: The 6/20 Korea Policy Forum on the COVID Outbreak in North Korea: Political Economy of the Public Health Crisis was featured in the following articles:

KBS News, “北 전문가들 “김정은, 코로나도 리더십 강화에 활용”

Yonhap News, “전문가들 “김정은, 北코로나 국면 리더십 강화에 활용”

Seoul Economic Daily, “고유환 “北, ‘핵실험 안 하는 카드’로 협상 재개할 수도“”

NewSis, “전문가 “北, 경제 충격 줄이려 코로나19 통제 완화”

RFA, “전문가들 “김정은, ‘코로나 사태’ 지도력 강화에 활용”

May 25: The U.S.-ROK Strategic Communication: Track II Dialogue on U.S.-China Strategic Rivalry and the U.S.-ROK Alliance has been featured in the following articles:

Yonhap News, “”한미, 대북 원칙적 접근하고 공급망 中 의존 줄여야”<한미전문가그룹>”

Chosun Ilbo, 한·미 전문가 14인, 한·미 동맹 정책 제안 “中 과도한 의존 줄여야”

Kukmin Ilbo, 한·미 전문가 14인 “중국 견제 위한 공조 강화해야” [출처] – 국민일보 [원본링크]

News1 Korea, 한미 전문가 14인 “북핵 ‘CVID’를 장기 목표로…대중 공조도 강화해야”

NewSis, 한·미 전문가 14인, 한·미 동맹 정책 제안…”中문제 조정 강화를”

Money Today, 北 핵실험 도발 임박? 한·미 전문가 “연합훈련·한미일 3국협력을”

May 18: 2021-2022 Visiting Scholar Marta Bocharnikova published an Op-Ed in International Policy Digest: “Is North Korea Really the Conundrum?”

May 10: Dr. Celeste Arrington was quoted in Yonhap News Agency, “With Yoon, S. Korea, U.S. to strengthen alliance, deterrence against N. Korea: experts”

March 10: Dr. Celeste Arrington interviewed for Yonhap News Agency, “Yoon to bolster cooperation with U.S., Japan in dealing with China, N. Korea

February 11: The 2/9 North Korea Economic Forum panel discussion was featured by VOA Korea, ““북한 경제 중앙통제 강화 움직임, 상당한 저항에 부딪힐 것”

February 9: The 2/9 North Korea Economic Forum panel discussion was featured by RFA, ““북, 본격 무역재개시 화폐가치 폭락 가능”

February 8: Postdoctoral Fellow Darcie Draudt was quoted by the Washington Post, “South Korea’s pivotal presidential election marred by scandals, bickering and insults


Justice Minister Park Beom Kye’s remarks on November 18 at his talk on “Hoping to Build Legal Stepping Stones over the River of Global Politics” were featured by the following articles in the table:

November 19

Yonhap News, “박범계 “핵개발-대북제재 강대강 대립구도서 대화 물꼬 터야”

YTN, “박범계 “핵개발-대북제재 강대강 구도서 대화 물꼬 터야””

KBS News, “박범계 “남북, 법률 영역 조속한 대화 개시 필요””, “박범계 “통일 전 과정, 법치 영역…대북 합의, 법률로 남겨져야””

Maeil Economic Daily, “박범계 “핵개발-대북제재 강대강 대립구도서 대화 물꼬 터야””

Segye Ilbo, “박범계 “핵 개발·대북 제재 강 대 강 대립구도서 대화 물꼬 터야””

Newsis, “박범계 법무장관 “핵개발-제재 강대강 대립…대화 물꼬를””

로이슈, “박범계 법무부장관, 조지워싱턴대학교 한국학연구소 강연”

Law Leader, “박범계 법무부장관, 조지워싱턴대 한국학연구소 초청 남북관계 강연”

Justice Minister Park Beom Kye’s visit to Washington, DC including his special lecture on November 18 at his talk on “Hoping to Build Legal Stepping Stones over the River of Global Politics” were featured by the following articles in the table:

November 17

FN News, “박범계 장관 방미… 국제법·대테러 분야 협력 논의”

News1 Korea, “박범계 법무부장관, UN방문·초청강연 등 23일까지 방미”

Yonhap News, “박범계 법무장관 방미…유엔 법무·대테러 관계자 면담”

November 18

Chosun Ilbo, “美 방문 박범계 “종전선언과 주한미군 주둔 별개 문제””

Yonhap News, “미국 찾은 법무장관 “종전선언과 주한미군 주둔은 별개의 문제””

Former National Assembly Member Na Kyung Won’s remarks on October 21 at her talk on “The Start of a Bold Journey for Peace Settlement of the Korean Peninsula” were featured by the following articles in the table:

October 22

News1 Korea, “나경원 “美정가 종전선언 동의안할 것…北 전략적 무시해야”

MBN News, “나경원 “종전선언, 미국이 동의하기 어려울 것”

Former Deputy Secretary of State Stephen Biegun’s remarks on October 15 at GWIKS’ North Korea Economic Forum Conference were featured in the following articles in the table:

October 19 Foreign Policy, “It’s Time for Biden to End the Korean War
October 18

Dong-a Ilbo, “비건 “트럼프때 北에 세계은행 가입 묻자, 김정은 ‘그게 뭐냐’ 되물어… 잊지 못할 답”

Segye Ilbo, “美 국방정보국 ‘北, 핵실험 재개할 수도’

October 17 Korea Economic Daily (Hankyung), “비건 ‘통신선 복원은 北의 한국 대선 개입 의도’
October 16

Chosun Ilbo, “비건 “北 내년 한국 대선에 집착”…“김정은 ‘세계은행’ 몰라”

MBC News, “北, 대화 재개 고려‥종전선언이 역할 할 수도’

Newsis, “비건 前대북특별대표 ‘北, 내년 한국 대선에 집착…관여 원해’

No Cut News, “비건, 대북지원 옹호 ‘北 고통, 미국 이익에 부합 안해’

VOA Korea, ““비건 전 부장관 “북한 대외 메시지 발신, ‘국제사회와의 관여 고려’ 시사”

Yonhap News Agency, “N.Korea may be considering engaging with S. Korea, U.S.: Biegun

Yonhap News Agency, “비건前대북특별대표 ‘북대외메시지 발신, 한미와재관여시사

Yonhap News TV, “비건 “김정은에 세계은행 가입 의사 물었더니…’

YTN, “美, 하노이회담 앞두고 김정은에 세계은행 가입 제의

October 15 RFA, “비건 ‘북, 통신선 복원해 한국대선 개입 시도

October 15: The panel discussion from October 14 at GWIKS’ North Korea Economic Forum Conference was featured by VOA Korea, ““북한, ‘천리마’식 주민 동원 여전…인적 자원 제대로 활용 못해”

September: Stephen Costello was interviewed in a feature for the Peace Road by the Moon Group.

August 26: Stephen Costello authored an op-ed titled, “Seoul could be a better ally to Washington” for The Korea Times

August 11: John Merill and Niv Farago co-authored a paper titled, “The North Korean Card in US-China Relations: How Should It Be Played?” for Asian Affairs (The Royal Society for Asian Affairs).

August 11: John Merill, “The Nuclear Issue and Human Rights in North Korea” for Korea National Strategy Institute.

June 2: Dr. Celeste L. Arrington published an article, “Insider Activists and Secondhand Smoke Countermeasures in Japan,” Asian Survey 61, no. 4 (July/August 2021)

May 27: GWIKS Non-resident Scholar John Merrill was interviewed by Radio Free Asia on the results of the May 21 US-ROK summit: “한미정상회담 이후 한반도 정세]③ 존 메릴 “제재완화 논의해야.”

May 22:  Dr. Celeste Arrington was quoted in Yonhap News Agency, “Biden makes strong case for engagement, but N. Korea unlikely to react soon: experts.”

May 18: Korean Policy Forum on “Multilateral Cooperation in Northeast Asia in the Biden”  was featured in Voice of America, “전문가들 “미한정상회담, 동북아 다자협력 논의할 것…중국 대응이 핵심

May 17: Korean Policy Forum on “Multilateral Cooperation in Northeast Asia in the Biden”  was featured in Radio Free Asia, “국무부, ‘북 인권제기’ 부작용 우려에 “인권이 외교정책 중심.”

May 14: Korean Policy Forum on “Biden’s North Korea Policy and U.S.-ROK Relations” was featured in Radio Free Asia, “자누지 “바이든 새 대북정책에 북 비협조 우려”.”

May 14: Korean Policy Forum on “Biden’s North Korea Policy and U.S.-ROK Relations” was featured in Pressian News, “경남대 극동문제연, ‘바이든 행정부의 대북 정책과 한미 관계’ 포럼.”

May 13: Dr. Celeste Arrington has won this year’s Early Career Scholar Award from GW’s Office of the Vice President for Research. The annual award honors the university’s most promising scholars, “whose trajectory has shown remarkable early success with more to come.” The Elliott School congratulates Dr. Celeste Arrington on her scholarly achievements and much deserved award. Congratulations toDr. Celeste Arrington on a fantastic achievement. 

May 13: Dr. Celeste Arrington was interviewed in Voice of America, “대북전단 겨냥 문 대통령 발언, 워싱턴서 “바이든 행정부에 부담” 우려.”

May 1: Dr. Celeste Arrington was quoted in Yonhap News Agency, “미 전문가 “바이든 새 대북정책은 균형·동맹조율…방법론 필요”(종합)“,”(3rd LD) New U.S. policy seeks ‘practical’ diplomacy with N.K. for complete denuclearization: Psaki.”

May 1: Dr. Celeste Arrington was quoted in Yonhap News Agency, “New U.S. policy seeks ‘practical’ diplomacy with N.K. for complete denuclearization: Psaki

Apr 27 & 28: Korean Policy Forum with Congressman Andy Kim was featured in Dong A Ilbo, “앤디 김 “美, 일시적 대북 완화 준비해야…한일관계 악화 매우 심각”“, “美 국무부, 韓 대북제재 해제 요구에 “核·미사일 개발 겨냥한 것” 일축

Apr 27: GWU TodayReshaping U.S.-South Korea Relations under the Biden Administration, “Congressman Andy Kim spoke about the future of this relationship and its implications for shaping the region and world.

Apr 27: Korean Policy Forum with Congressman Andy Kim was featured in KBS, “Rep. Andy Kim: US Should be Ready to Make Concessions to N. Korea.”

Apr 27: Korean Policy Forum with Congressman Andy Kim was featured in Segye Ilbo, “앤디 김 의원 “美, 대북제재 일시적 완화 준비돼 있어야”

Apr 27: Korean Policy Forum with Congressman Andy Kim was featured in Naeil Shinmun, “미, 일시적 대북 제재 완화 준비해야”

Apr 27: Korean Policy Forum with Congressman Andy Kim was featured in Voice of America, “앤디 김 의원 “미국, 일시적 대북 완화조치 준비돼있어야…한일관계 악화 매우 해롭게 작용”

Apr 26: Korean Policy Forum with Congressman Andy Kim was featured in Radio Free Asia, “앤디 김 의원 “미, 일시적 대북제재 완화 고려해야”

Apr 26: Korean Policy Forum with Congressman Andy Kim was featured in Yonhap News Agency, “U.S. must be ready to make concessions to N. Korea to advance denuclearization: lawmaker.“,”앤디 김 美의원 “미, 대북 제재 일시적 완화 준비돼 있어야.

Apr 14: The North Korea Economic Forum was featured in Voice of America, “북한 경제 간신히 버티는 중…사회 전반에 재정 압박

Apr 13: Associate Director Yonho Kim was interviewed by Emerging Europe, “Emerging Europe Talks Partnership — CEE and South Korea with Yonho Kim.” The discussion is part of the Emerging Europe and the Asian Tigers: Towards 2030 programme, in partnership with Money Today, South Korea’s leading business media platform, and the K.E.Y Platform conference scheduled to take place on April 29, 2021.

Apr 13: The North Korea Economic Forum was featured in Radio Free Asia, “HRW “김정은 ‘고난의 행군’ 강조…주민통제 더 강화 시도

Mar 17: Associate Director Yonho Kim was featured in an interview and News Report with KOAT7, “First Overseas Trip for U.S. Secretary of State Focuses on Korean Relations.

Mar 5: Dr. Jisoo Kim will be in a discussion with National Churchill Leadership Center Director Justin Reash and Dr. Hope M. Harrison to commemorate Women’s History Month, reported by The GW Hatchetabout how the study of history has changed over time for women scholars.

Feb 7: Dr. Roy Grinker wrote an article featured in CNN, “The health professional missing from Biden’s Covid advisers.

Jan 26: Dr. Roy Grinker’s book, Nobody’s Normal: How Culture Creates the Stigma of Mental Illness, was reviewed by the New York Times, “Does it Make Sense to Call Anyone ‘Normal’?

Jan 21: Dr. Celeste Arrington was interviewed by Yonhap News Agency, “Biden’s speech signals better ties with Seoul, less drama with Pyongyang.”


Dec. 7: Dr. Immanuel Kim’s Friend was featured in Chosun Media, “N.Korean Novel Named Library Journal Book of the Year.

Dec. 3: Dr. Immanuel Kim’s Friend was featured in The New York Review, “Something Resembling Normal Life.”

Nov. 21: Dr. Jisoo Kim’s book, The Emotions of Justice: Gender, Status, and Legal Performance in Chŏson Korea was reviewed by Segye Ilbo, “[새로 나온 책] 순간의 두려움 매일의 기적 외

Nov. 19: Director Jisoo Kim was featured in the GW Hatchet, “Study abroad experts discuss future of abroad programs, anti-asian racism.

Nov. 17: Dr. Celeste Arrington was interviewed by The World, Comfort Women’ monument in Berlin causes diplomatic row.”

Nov.14: Dr. Jisoo Kim’s book, The Emotions of Justice: Gender, Status, and Legal Performance in Chŏson Korea was reviewed by Chosun Ilbo, “당당히 법적 목소리 냈던 조선시대 여성들

Nov.13: Dr. Jisoo Kim’s book, The Emotions of Justice: Gender, Status, and Legal Performance in Chŏson Korea was reviewed by Seoul Newspaper, ““여성들 억울한 감정으로 풀어낸 조선의 사법제도”

Nov.13: Dr. Jisoo Kim’s book, The Emotions of Justice: Gender, Status, and Legal Performance in Chŏson Korea was reviewed by Munwha Ilbo, ““‘백성恨 풀어줘야 정의’ 조선의 王도 고민했다””

Nov.12: Dr. Jisoo Kim’s book, The Emotions of Justice: Gender, Status, and Legal Performance in Chŏson Korea was feature in Kukmin Ilbo, “[Read 200 words] Analysis of records of litigation among women in the Joseon Dynasty.

Nov. 11: Dr. Celeste Arrington was quoted in Seoul Shinmoon, “Biden, there is no reason to object to the end of the war.”

Nov. 4: Associate Director Yonho Kim was interviewed by YTN News, “U.S. Presidential Election Unprecidented Battle…Last Minute Vote-by-Mail Variable.”

Nov. 2: Dr. Celeste Arrington was quoted in Yonhap News Agency, (US election) (News Focus) Much hangs on line for S. Korea in U.S. presidential election.

Oct 11: Dr. Gregg Brazinsky was quoted in Yonhap News Agency, “(News Focus) Biden’s election to mean stronger alliance with S. Korea: experts.”

Oct 11: The “Life and Culture in North Korea: Discussion about the Books Titled “Friend “& “North Korean Comedy Film.” book talk with Dr. Immanuel Kim was featured in The GW Hatchet, “Author discusses comedy in North Korean films.

Oct. 6: The 2nd North Korea Economic Forum Annual Conference (Part I) was featured in KBS News AgencyNorth Koreans recognizes inability to cope with corona… Will be reopened at the latest.”

Oct. 6:  The 2nd North Korea Economic Forum Annual Conference (Part I) was featured in VOA Korea, North Korea’s social infrastructure stays at the level of the 1990’s… urgently for improvement to achieve economic development.”

Oct. 6: The 2nd North Korea Economic Forum Annual Conference (Part I) was featured in Yonhap News Agency, “N. Korea likely to be last to reopen borders due to COVID-19: experts.”


Oct. 5: The 2nd North Korea Economic Forum Annual Conference (Part I) was featured in Radio Free Asia, Former Director of UNDP Pyongyang Office ‘Difficulty external support due to poor North Korean infrastructure.”


Sept 23: Voice of America Korean Service covered the GWIKS Korean Policy Forum, “U.S.-Korea Relations in the Era of U.S.-China Strategic Rivalry”, 미 전직 고위관리 “한국, 미-중 사이 중립 취하면 중국에 기운 것으로 해석될 것” [According to a former senior U.S. official,”If South Korea takes neutral stance between the U.S. and China, it wold be interpreted as South Korea’s leaning toward China”] (See the TV Report on Youtube)


Sept 5: The review of the book translated by Dr. Immanuel Kim is published on The Japan Times, Friend: A Novel from North Korea: A fascinating glimpse into hidden lives.”


Sept 4: Korean Policy Forum with Ambassador Soo Hyuck Lee was featured in Yonhap News Agency, (News Focus) Prospects unclear for U.S. push for NATO-like anti-China mechanism in Indo-Pacific region.”


Sept 4: Korean Policy Forum with Ambassador Soo Hyuck Lee was featured in KBS World, “Ambassador: US is Key Ally, China is Key Economic Partner.”


Jun 22: The review of the book translated by Dr. Immanuel Kim is published on Asian Media International, Divorce, North Korean Style.”


Jun 18: The review of the book translated by Dr. Immanuel Kim is published on Mumbai Mirror,A Marriage Story, set in North Korea.”


Jun 15: The book translated by Dr. Immanuel Kim was promoted for Chicago book events on Chicago Now, “Chicago book events come to you: Monday, June 15 – Saturday, June 20, 2020.”


May 29: Dr. Immanuel Kim was quoted in Counterpunch on his translated book Friend, “In Search of the Chosŏn People of Lost Korea“.


May 18: The new episode of Associate Director Yonho Kim’s weekly program was published on Radio Free Asia, “[김연호의 모바일 북한] [Kim Yonho’s Mobile North Korea] See all the episodes (written in Korean).


May 14: The review of the book translated by Dr. Immanuel Kim is published on The Print,This is a tale of love, marriage, divorce is first state-sanctioned North Korean novel in English.”


May 6: The review of the book translated by Dr. Immanuel Kim is published on The Guardian, “Friend by Paek Nam-nyong review – a bestseller from North Korea


May 5: The review of the book translated by Dr. Immanuel Kim is published on The New York Times, “A Novel From North Korea Offers Glimpses of the Everyday


April 24: Korea Policy Forum on South Korea’s response to COVID-19 was featured in Money Today, ““코로나19 대응법 알려주세요” 美씽크탱크도 한국에 SOS” [“Please share how to cope with COVID-19” US think tanks send an SOS to Korea]


April 24: Korea Policy Forum on South Korea’s response to COVID-19 was featured in, “韓코로나19 경제정책도 美에 알린다…조지워싱턴대서 화상세미나” [South Korea’s COVID-19 economic policy delivered to the U.S…Webinar at the George Washington University]


April 24: Korea Policy Forum on South Korea’s response to COVID-19 was featured in NEWSIS, “부, 美 워싱턴 주요기관과 한국식 코로나19 대응 경험 공유” [Government shares South Korea’s response to COVID-19 with Washington DC’s institutes]


April 24: Korea Policy Forum on South Korea’s response to COVID-19 was featured in JTBC News, “韓코로나19 경제정책도 美에 알린다…조지워싱턴대서 화상세미나” [South Korea’s COVID-19 economic policy delivered to the U.S…Webinar at the George Washington University]


April 24: Korea Policy Forum on South Korea’s response to COVID-19 was featured in MK News, “韓코로나19 경제정책도 美에 알린다…조지워싱턴대서 화상세미나” [South Korea’s COVID-19 economic policy delivered to the U.S…Webinar at the George Washington University]


April 24: Korea Policy Forum on South Korea’s response to COVID-19 was featured in Yonhap News, “韓코로나19 경제정책도 美에 알린다…조지워싱턴대서 화상세미나” [South Korea’s COVID-19 economic policy delivered to the U.S…Webinar at the George Washington University]


April 24: The review of the book translated by Dr. Immanuel Kim is published on Startribune, “Review: ‘Friend,’ by Paek Nam-nyong, translated from the Korean by Immanuel Kim


April 10: Dr. Gregg Brazinsky wrote an article for The Washington Post, South Korea is winning the fight against covid-19. The U.S. is failing.”


March 25: The book translated by Dr. Immanuel Kim was introduced in NK News, Friend”: Paek Nam Nyong and the long search for a decent North Korean novel


Mar 23: Associate Director Yonho Kim was interviewed on YTN, “[세계NOW] “美확진자 3만명 돌파, 일상이 멈췄다” [U.S. confirmed cases exceed 30,000, daily life stopped]


Feb 13: Korean Major housed in Department of East Asian Languages and Literature was highlighted in GW Hatchet,  New Korean major extends GW’s ‘demonstrated strength’ in the field, faculty say


Feb 4: Stephen Costello, non-resident scholar at GWIKS, wrote an opinion piece on The Korean Times, “North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is adult in the room


Feb 3: The new episode of Associate Director Yonho Kim’s weekly program was published on Radio Free Asia, [김연호의 모바일 북한] 키즈폰” [[Kim Yonho’s Mobile North Korea] Kids’ Phone]


Feb 3: Associate Director Yonho Kim interviewed with YTN Radio, 트럼프 탄핵 사실상 종결, 美대선에 미칠 영향은” [Trump’s impeachment is virtually ending, what will be the impact on the US presidential election]


Feb 2: Korea Policy Forum was featured in Washington Times, U.S., North Korea loom large as South Koreans face midterm vote


Jan 30: Korea Policy Forum was featured in Herald Economy, [우한 폐렴 초비상] 北 ‘우한 폐렴’ 민심 촉각…비상방역지휘부 설치” [[Wuhan Pneumonia Emergency] North Korea pays attention to public sentiment on ‘Wuhan Pneumonia’…installing emergency quarantine command department]


Jan 29: Korea Policy Forum was featured in Radio Free Asia, 김정은, 신종 코로나바이러스 민심에 각별히 신경써“[Kim Jung-un pays attention to popular sentiment on novel Coronavirus]


Jan 27: The new episode of Associate Director Yonho Kim’s weekly program was published on Radio Free Asia, [김연호의 모바일 북한] 블루투스” [[Kim Yonho’s Mobile North Korea] Bluetooth]


Jan 20: The new episode of Associate Director Yonho Kim’s weekly program was published on Radio Free Asia, [김연호의 모바일 북한] 와이파이” [[Kim Yonho’s Mobile North Korea] Wifi]


Jan 13: The new episode of Associate Director Yonho Kim’s weekly program was published on Radio Free Asia, [김연호의 모바일 북한] 손전화 유통구조” [[Kim Yonho’s Mobile North Korea] Mobile Phone Distribution Structure]


Jan 11: Korea-U.S. Policy Dialogue was featured in MK News, KDI국제정책대학원, 워싱턴서 보호무역주의 대응 논의” [KDI School of Public Policy and Management discussed trade protectionism in Washington D.C]


Jan 9: Associate Director Yonho Kim was interviewed on YTN Radio “[세만시] “이란 이슈, 트럼프에게 독 될까, 득 될까” (김연호) 1.10(금)/ YTN 라디오” [“Iran issue, will it be poison or gain for Trump” (Yonho Kim)]


Jan 1: Dr. Gregg Brazinsky was interviewed on Kook Min Il-bo, “북-미, 작은 약속부터 이행하면서 신뢰 쌓는게 중요” [North Korea-U.S., it is important to build trust by carrying out small promises”


Jan 1: Associate Director Yonho Kim was interviewed on MBC News, 트럼프 일단 ‘덕담’만…폼페이오는 넌지시 ‘경고’” [Trump only gave ‘blessings’…Pompeo tacitly ‘warned’]



December 30: The new episode of Associate Director Yonho Kim’s weekly program was published on Radio Free Asia, [김연호의 모바일 북한] 통화요청 통보문” [[Kim Yonho’s Mobile North Korea] Call Request Notification]

December 23: The new episode of Associate Director Yonho Kim’s weekly program was published on Radio Free Asia, [김연호의 모바일 북한] QR 코드” [[Kim Yonho’s Mobile North Korea] QR Code]

December 16: The new episode of Associate Director Yonho Kim’s weekly program was published on Radio Free Asia, [김연호의 모바일 북한] 중국의 모바일 머니” [[Kim Yonho’s Mobile North Korea] China’s Mobile Money]

December 9: The new episode of Associate Director Yonho Kim’s weekly program was published on Radio Free Asia, “[김연호의 모바일 북한] 모바일 머니” [[Kim Yonho’s Mobile North Korea] Mobile Money]

December 7: Korea Policy Forum with David E. Sanger was featured in VOA, NYT 기자 “트럼프 행정부, 대북정책 비밀스럽게 다뤄…북한 사이버 역량 주목해야”” [NYT journalist “Trump administration deals North Korea policies secretively…we need to pay attention to the North’s cyber capabilities”]

December 2: Dr. Immanuel Kim was interviewed on, 북한 문학에 대한 재밌는 인터뷰/임마뉴엘 김(한국인 2세/조지워싱턴 대학교 동아시아 언어학과 문학 교수)” [Fun interview about North Korean literature/Immanuel Kim (2nd gen. Korean/Korea Foundation and Kim-Renaud Associate Professor of Korean Literature and Culture Studies]

November 25: The new episode of Associate Director Yonho Kim’s weekly program was published on Radio Free Asia, “[김연호의 모바일 북한] 전화돈” [[Kim Yonho’s Mobile North Korea] Cell Money]

November 18: The GWIKS North Korea Program was featured in CBS No Cut News, “”미국, 북한 너무 모른다”…저녁에 北공부하는 미국인들” [“The U.S. doesn’t know North Korea too much”…Americans studying North Korea in the evening]

November 18: The new episode of Associate Director Yonho Kim’s weekly program was published on Radio Free Asia, “[김연호의 모바일 북한] 손전화 요금 충전” [[Kim Yonho’s Mobile North Korea] Pay the mobile bill]

November 13: Dr. Gregg Brazinsky was quoted on Japan Times, “Unwilling or unable? U.S. faces uphill battle in quest to save Japan-South Korea intel pact

November 12: Dr. Kim-Renaud was interviewed on Chosun Ilbo, 세계에서 한국학을 더 널리 가르치려면? 일본·중국학처럼 ‘평범한 과목’ 되게 해야” [How to teach Korean Studies more widely in the world? It should become ‘ordinary subjects’ like Japanese and Chinese studies]

November 11: The sixth episode of Associate Director Yonho Kim’s weekly program was published on Radio Free Asia, “[김연호의 모바일 북한]<6> 음성통화와 통보문 이용추세” [[Kim Yonho’s Mobile North Korea] (6) Trends in voice calls and notice]

November 4: The fifth episode of Associate Director Yonho Kim’s weekly program was published on Radio Free Asia, [김연호의 모바일 북한] (5) 북한 손전화와 요금 선불제” [[Kim Yonho’s Mobile North Korea] (5) North Korea’s cell phone and prepaid plan]

October 30: R. Maxwell Bone, a student at the George Washington University who presented his research at the 1st Annual Conference of GW-IU Undergraduate Research Exchange Program published an article on The Diplomat, “Uganda: North Korea’s African Ally

October 28: The fourth episode of Associate Director Yonho Kim’s weekly program was published on Radio Free Asia, [김연호의 모바일 북한] (4) 북한 손전화와 과시성 소비” [[Kim Yonho’s Mobile North Korea] (4) North Korea’s cell phone and ostentatious consumption]

October 25: Dr. John Merrill wrote an article on Nikkei Asian Review, Abe must step up efforts to engage North Korea

October 21: Associate Director Yonho Kim was interviewed on YTN Radio, 터키-쿠르드 사태에 美정치권도 충돌, 휴전합의에도 갑론을박” [The Turkish-Kurdish crisis has also caused conflicts in the U.S. political community, arguing even with a cease-fire agreement]

October 21: The third episode of Associate Director Yonho Kim’s weekly program was published on Radio Free Asia, [김연호의 모바일 북한] (3) 북한 손전화 가입자 수 논란” [[Kim Yonho’s Mobile North Korea] (3) Controversy over the Number of North Korean Mobile Subscribers]

October 20: Dr. Kim-Renaud was interviewed on, “한글의 위대함과 인문학의 중요성(김영기 Young-Key Kim-Renaud/조지 워싱턴 대학교 한국문화 언어 및 국제학 명예 교수)” [Greatness of Hangul and Importance of Humanities (Young-Key Kim-Renaud/Professor Emeritus of Korean Language and Culture and International Affairs)]

October 18: GWIKS Korea Policy Forum with Ambassador Joseph Yun was reported in Hankyoreh, [Correspondent’s column] Washington’s apathy over N. Korea issue

October 16: GWIKS Korea Policy Forum with Ambassador Joseph Yun was reported in Wall Street Journal, “Kim Jong Un, Astride a Pale Horse, Urges Self-Reliance in Face of U.S. Sanctions

October 15: GWIKS Korea Policy Forum with Ambassador Joseph Yun was reported in Radio Free Asia, 조셉 윤 “북, 미사일 위협하며 협상 재개 노릴 것”[Joseph Yun “North Korea would threaten with missiles to resume negotiations”]

October 15: GWIKS Korea Policy Forum with Ambassador Joseph Yun was reported in Aju News, 조셉윤 “北, 스톡홀름 협상 전 2가지 실수”[Joseph Yun “North Korea made two mistakes before Stockholm talk”]

October 15: GWIKS Korea Policy Forum with Ambassador Joseph Yun was reported in Digital Times, 北, 核협상 전 최대 실수는 볼턴 해임 오판·SLBM 발사”[North Korea, two mistakes before nuclear negotiation were misinterpretation of John Bolton’s exit and SLBM launch]

October 15: GWIKS Korea Policy Forum with Ambassador Joseph Yun was reported in Segye Ilbo, 조셉 윤 “北, 스톡홀름 협상에 앞서 2가지 실수 저질러” [Joseph Yun “North Korea made two mistakes before Stockholm negotiation”]

October 15: GWIKS Korea Policy Forum with Ambassador Joseph Yun was reported in No Cut News, 조셉 윤, “北 볼턴 해임 메시지 오판한 듯”[Joseph Yun “North Korea might misinterpreted John Bolton’s exit]

October 15: GWIKS Korea Policy Forum with Ambassador Joseph Yun was reported in The Korea Economic Daily, 조셉 윤 “북한, 볼턴 경질을 대북정책 변경으로 오판…영변 폐기만으론 안된다는게 美 생각”[Joseph Yun “North Korea to misinterpret Bolton’s exit as US’ North Korea policy change…US thinks disposal of Yongbyon is not enough”]

October 15: GWIKS Korea Policy Forum with Ambassador Joseph Yun was reported in Seoul Shinmun, “조셉 윤 “北 볼턴 해임 과대평가·SLBM 발사 실수”[Joseph Yun “North Korea overestimated Bolton’s exit, SLBM launch was mistake”]

October 15: GWIKS Korea Policy Forum with Ambassador Joseph Yun was reported in Hankook Ilbo, “조셉 윤 “北, 볼턴 해임 오판ㆍSLBM 발사 2가지 실수”[Joseph Yun “North Korea misunderstood Bolton’s exit and mistakenly launched SLBM”]

October 15: GWIKS Korea Policy Forum with Ambassador Joseph Yun was reported in The Kyunghyang Shinmun, 조셉 윤 “북한, 볼턴 영향력 과대평가, SLBM 발사 실수 저질러” [Joseph Yun “North Korea overestimated Bolton’s influence and mistakenly  launched SLBM”]

October 15: GWIKS Korea Policy Forum with Ambassador Joseph Yun was reported in JoongAng Ilbo, 조셉 윤 “북한, 스톡홀름 협상 직전 2가지 실수” [Joseph Yun “North Korea made two mistakes before Stockholm negotiation”]

October 15: GWIKS Korea Policy Forum with Ambassador Joseph Yun was reported on Yonhap Television News, 조셉 윤 “북미 추가협상 오래 걸릴 듯” [Joseph Yun “US-North Korea additional negotiation would take long”]

October 15: GWIKS Korea Policy Forum with Ambassador Joseph Yun was reported on Yonhap News Agency, “조셉윤 “北 ‘볼턴 해임 오판’ 등 스톡홀름협상 앞서 2가지 실수” [Joseph Yun “North Korea made two mistakes before Stockholm talk including ‘misinterpretation of Bolton’s exit”]

October 15: GWIKS Korea Policy Forum with Ambassador Joseph Yun was reported in the Korean Herald,”N. Korea’s SLBM launch hurt nuclear talks with US: ex-US envoy

October 14: The second episode of Associate Director Yonho Kim’s weekly program was published on Radio Free Asia, “[김연호의 모바일 북한] (2) 북한 손전화 보급률” [[Kim Yonho’s Mobile North Korea] (2) North Korea’s Mobile Phone Distribution Rate]

October 7: Associate Director Yonho Kim launched a new weekly program on Radio Free Asia, “[김연호의 모바일 북한] (1) 밖에서 본 모바일 북한” [[Kim Yonho’s Mobile North Korea] (1) Mobile North Korea Viewed from Outside]

October 1: Associate Director Yonho Kim was interviewed on No Cut News, “탄핵 블랙홀 빠진 미국, 北 목소리 들릴까” [“US in impeachment black hole, can they hear North Korea’s voice”]

September 29: GWIKS North Korea Economic Forum was reported on GW HatchetFormer U.S. ambassador to South Korea talks denuclearization, economic issues

September 29: GWIKS North Korea Economic Forum was reported on 한국경제 [The Korea Economic Daily]“정부 ‘한·미 방위비분담금, 국민 얼마나 수용할지 반영해야’ ” [The government should reflect on how much South Korea-US defense contribution can be accepted from the people]

September 28: GWIKS North Korea Economic Forum was reported on Yonhap News“리퍼트 前대사 ‘한국 방위비 무임승차 아냐…강력한 동맹’” [Former Ambassador Lippert ‘South Korea’s defense expenditure is not a free ride… a strong alliance’]

September 28: GWIKS North Korea Economic Forum was introduced on VOA Korea News“경제제재, 북한 비핵화에 실패…핵보유국 목표에 한층 다가가”[Economic Sanctions, fail to denuclearize North Korea….reached one step closer toward the goal of being the nuclear weapons states]

September 27: GWIKS North Korea Economic Forum was introduced on RFA News“리퍼트 전 대사 “미북, 실무회담 진전 위해 ‘진짜’ 협상안 필요” [Former Ambassador Lippert “U.S.- North Korea needs ‘real’ negotiations to progress working-level talks]

September 23: GWIKS Annual North Korea Economic Forum was introduced on GW Hatchet, “Faculty to launch annual conference on North Korean economic issues

September 15: Associate Director Yonho Kim was interviewed on YTN Radio, “존 볼턴 경질, 북미협상 탄력받나? 미 정가분위기 “[John Bolton’s exit and North Korea talks – the U.S. politics]

September 11: Dr. Merrill was quoted in an article at Kyunghyang Shinmun, “[뉴스 분석]트럼프, 볼턴 전격 경질…대북정책 유연해질 듯” [Trump fired John Bolton and the U.S. stance on North Korea could be softened] 

September 5: Dr. Merrill was quoted in an article at Sisain, “지소미아 종료, 미국의 예상 행보” [GSOMIA withdrawal and the U.S.]

September 5: Dr. Merrill was quoted in an article at Kyunghyang Shinmun

August 29: The Korea Times reported GW-CIBER Business Immersion Seminar (Korean version of the article)

August 26: Dr. Merrill was interviewed on Arirang TV (Starts at 07:25)

August 20: Dr. Merrill co-authored in Asia Times with Jack Burton, “North Korea nuclear issue gets more complicated”.

August 17: Dr. Arrington was quoted in an article at Los Angeles Times, “Japan, Korea and the messy question of how to pay for historic wrongs”

August 16: Dr. Kim-Renaud was quoted in Kyodo News, “Seoul business people taking critical look at anti-Japan rally

August 16: Dr. Kim-Renaud was quoted in Kyodo News“Japan-S Korea rift may change regional economic, security structures”

August 15: Dr. Kim-Renaud was quoted in Japantimes, Japan-South Korea row may cause lasting economic and security shift, aiding China and North

August 15: Dr. Kim-Renaud was quoted in Kyodo News, “Japan-S. Korea rift may change regional economic, security structures

August 13: Dr. Brazinsky was quoted in Dong-a Ilbo, U.S. professor criticizes Japan’s no apology for past wrongdoings

August 12: Dr. Brazinsky was quoted in Arirang News, U.S. professor criticizes Japan’s no apology for past wrongdoings”

August 11: Dr. Brazinsky authored in Washington Post“Japan’s failure to atone for past sins threatens global economy: Expert

August 8: GWIKS North Korea Program was reported by Radio Free Asia “미 대학∙단체, ‘북한 배우기’ 프로그램 활발”[American college and institution introduce programs on learning North Korea]

August 1: Dr. Arrington was quoted in an article at the New York Times, “Japan Imposes Broad New Trade Restrictions on South Korea”

July 31: Dr. Arrington co-authored in Foreign Affairs with Andrew Yeo, “Japan and South Korea Can’t Get Along – Why America Needs to Help Its Allies Mend Fences”

July 29: Associate Director Yonho Kim was interviewed on YTN Radio“美 워싱턴 정가에서 가장 핫한 이슈? ‘뮬러 전 특검 [The former special counsel Robert S. Mueller III is the hottest issue in Washington D.C.]”

July 26: Dr. Arrington was quoted in an article at the KoreaTimes, “Cheong Wa Dae’s faulty response unhelpful with Japan row.”

July 19: Dr. Arrington wrote an article for the Monkey Cage at the Washington Post, “Japan claims it’s restricting exports to South Korea because of ‘national security.’ Here’s the real reason why.”

July 18: Dr. John Merrill commented for TRT World, “North Korea Sanctions: 90 countries import luxury goods to Kim Jong-un.”

July 5: Dr. John Merrill wrote a column for Nikkei Asian Review opinion, “DMZ ‘surprise’ summit should not have been a surprise

April 4: Dr. John Merrill was interviewed on the Radio Free Asia, “‘단계적 북핵 해법이 현실적’ 목소리 커져 [a gradual and step-by-step approach is recognized as the realistic solution for Pyongyang’s denuclearization]”and this interview was quoted both in the Korea Times and the Dong-a Ilbo.

March 20: Dr. Immanuel Kim was quoted in The Nation article “North Korea Through the Eyes of an American Dissident

February 26: Dr. Young-Key Kim-Renaud was interviewed on CGTN during their news broadcast regarding the 2nd Trump-Kim Summit meeting.

February 11: Dr. Gregg Brazinsky was interviewed on the Radio Free Asia, “미 전문가 ‘비핵화 개념차, 미북 실무협상 가장 큰 난제'[Different definition of denuclearization will be the major challenge for the meeting between the United States and North Korea at a working level.]”

February 8: Dr. Gregg Brazinsky was quoted in the Wall Street Journal, “U.S. Envoy Voices Optimism Ahead of North Korea Nuclear Summit”.

February 2: Dr. Gregg Brazinsky appeared on the Hour of History podcast to talk about China and Korea.

January 23: Dr. Gregg Brazinsky was quoted in The Nation article “US-North Korea Talks Are Moving Decisively to the Diplomatic Phase

January 19: 미국 조지워싱턴대에 한국어문학 전공과정 개설 [Korean Major will be offered at the George Washington University],  월드코리안뉴스 []


December 6: Dr. Roy Richard Grinker wrote article Being Trans Is Not a Mental Disorder: When will the American Psychiatric Association finally stop treating it like it is? on the New York Times. 

November 22: Dr. Celeste Arrington was quoted in article Forced Labour a Sore Topic Between South Korea and Japan as Court Verdict Looms on South China Morning Post.

September 12: Institute for Korean Studies, in partnership with the Sigur Center for Asian Studies, has been awarded a National Resource Center (NRC) and Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Title VI award for East Asian Studies by the U.S. Department of Education

June 22: Dr. Young-Key Kim-Renaud was interviewed on CGTN regarding the ROK President Moon’s state visit to Russia

June 7: Dr. Young-Key Kim-Renaud was interviewed by Kyodo News: Survival” main theme for North Korea at summit with U.S. expert

May 10: Dr. Celeste Arrington’s research article “Hiding in Plain Sight: Pseudonymity and Participation in Legal Mobilization” was published in Comparative Political Studies

May 3: Dr. Young-Key Kim-Renaud was interviewed on CGTN regarding the upcoming US-North Korea summit

April 4: Dr. Young-Key Kim-Renaud’s recitation was included in the American Rhetoric Online Speech Bank – Recitation of the author’s own poem, “I Remember” by Young-Key Kim-Renaud,  at the 60th anniversary of the signing of the armistice that ended the Korean War, at the Korean War Memorial on the National Mall, Washington, DC, July 27, 2013, included in the American Rhetoric Online Speech Bank

March 16: “New Gift to Support GW Institute for Korean Studies” on the GW Today

March 11: Dr. Kim-Renaud was quoted in an Infobae article “El Asombroso Giro de Kim Jong Un y que se puede esperar de las cumbres con trump y corea del sur

March 9: Dr. Kim-Renaud was interviewed on CGTN America about Trump-Kim Meeting

February 27: Dr. Gregg Brazinsky and Dr. Kim-Renaud were quoted in the Korea Herald article “Things Seoul, Beijing, Tokyo, and Washington should know“.

February 11: Dr. Kim-Renaud was quoted in an El Mercurio article “Kim Invita a Presidente surcoreano a Pyongyang para una cumber de alto nivel

January 11: Dr. Celeste Arrington wrote article South Korea ended its review of its ‘Comfort Woman’ deal with Japan. Here is what you need to know on the Washington Post

January 16: Dr. Roy Richard Grinker was quoted in article How France is facing its outdated Autism treatment and care practices” on the Independent. “’Medicine was part of the establishment,’ anthropologist Roy Richard Grinker explains in his 2008 book, Unstrange Minds: Remapping the World of Autism.”

January 19: Dr. Celeste Arrington was quoted in article “Seoul wants Olympic momentum to lead to US-North Korea talks” on the Irish Times “the positives from the week’s events were that inter-Korean talks might deter missile tests in the short term and had opened channels of communication.”


November 21, 2017: Gregg Brazinsky’s interview, “Trump names North Korea a ‘state sponsor of terror’” on Al Jazeera

November 18, 2017: Gregg Brazinsky’s interview, “Could Direct Talks Build Peace between the USA and North Korea” on Peace News Network

November 8, 2017: Celeste Arrington quoted in, “South Korea makes a bold move with a former ‘comfort woman’ at its state dinner with the US and Japan” on Public Radio International (PRI)

November 6, 2017: Jisoo M. Kim’s interview, “#AsiaNow Speaks with Jisoo M. Kim” on Association for Asian Studies website

November 3, 2017: Celeste Arrington quoted in, “South Korean Leader Boxed in as Trump threatens North Korea” on the New York Times

October 31, 2017: Gregg Brazinsky’s Book Launch “Winning the Third World: Sino-American Rivalry during the Cold War”Elliott School Book Launch Series

October 9, 2017: Young-Key Kim-Renaud talked about Korean Alphabet (Hangul) on Korea Day at “This Morning”, a radio program on the all-English TBS Korean radio

August 28, 2017: Jisoo M. Kim, Gregg Brazinsky, “How to Handle North Korea“, C-Span 

August 9, 2017: Benjamin R. Young, “The Reagan-era invasion that drove North Korea to develop nuclear weapons”The Washington Post

May 8, 2017: Gregg Brazinsky, “U.S.-China Competition During the Cold War” at Wilson Center, C-Span  (Read about Dr. Brazinsky’s book launch)

May 7, 2017: Celeste Arrington, “South Koreans will elect a new president on Tuesday. Here’s what to expect.” with See-Won Byun, post on The Monkey Cage, The Washington Post

March 12, 2017: Celeste Arrington, “South Korea’s president was impeached. North Korea is increasingly threatening. Here’s what you need to know,” post on The Monkey Cage, The Washington Post

Prof. Celeste Arrington quoted in:

  • Chosun Ilbo: Jan. 11, 2017
  • Kyodo News: profile and interview, Jan. 17, 2017
  • Christian Science Monitor: Feb. 13, 2017
  • Radio Free Asia: Oct. 25, 2016; March 27, 2017
  • WUSA9 live television interview on Off Script 7pm news: April 14, 2017
  • MediaFile DC: March 28, 2017; April 20, 2017
  • NHK: television interview, May 9, 2017
  • Tokyo Shimbun: May 10, 2017
  • Ryukyu Shimpo: May 10, 2017
  • Hokkaido Shimbun: May 10, 2017
  • Nishi Nippon Shimbun: March 8, 2017; May 10, 2017

February 21, 2017: 미 수도권의 첫 한국학연구소, 조지워싱턴 대학교 김지수 교수 [The First Institute for Korean Studies in the US Capital, Prof. Jisoo Kim at The George Washington University], KBS World Radio.

January 18, 2017:  “South Korea Funds U.S. Center to Promote Korean Culture” by David Jordan.

January 17, 2017:  “George Washington University to Promote Korean Culture,” The Korea Times.

January 12, 2017: “University Launches Institute for Korean Studies” GW Today

2017:  미국 내 한국학 허브로 키울 것, 워싱턴에 첫 한국학연구소 개소 [Making GW the Hub of Korean Studies in the U.S., the Inauguration of the Institute for Korean Studies in Washington, D.C.], 조선일보 [Chosun Newspaper]

January 13, 2017:  조지워싱턴대, 미 수도권 첫 한국학연구소 개소 [The Inaugural Ceremony of the Institute for Korean Studies, The George Washington University], YTN

January 12, 2017:  조지워싱턴대학, 수도권 첫 한국학연구소 개소 [The Inaugural Ceremony of the Institute for Korean Studies, The George Washington University], YTN Radio.

January 13, 2017:  미국 조지워싱턴대, 한국학연구소 설립 [The Establishment of the Institute for Korean Studies, The George Washington University], 연합뉴스 [Yonhap News]

January 15, 2017:  미 조지워싱턴대, 한국학연구소 설립 [The Establishment of the Institute for Korean Studies, The George Washington University],  매일경제신문 [Maeil Business News]

January 14, 2017:  미국 조지워싱턴대에도 한국학연구소 설립 [The Establishment of the Institute for Korean Studies, The George Washington University], 한겨례신문 [Hankyoreh Newspaper]

January 12, 2017:  미 조지워싱턴대, 한국학연구소 설립 [Opening of the Institute for Korean Studies at The George Washington University], 한국일보[The Korea Times], Washington DC

January 13, 2017:   조지워싱턴대, 한국학연구소 개소 [Opening of the Institute for Korean Studies at The George Washington University], 중앙일보 [Korea Daily Newspaper], Washington DC


December 12, 2016: Celeste Arrington, “South Korea’s president was just impeached. This is what it means and what comes next,” post on The Monkey Cage, The Washington Post

April 12, 2016:  [단독인터뷰] 조지워싱턴대 한국학연구소 설립 김지수 교수, “한국학 허브 만들 것” [Independent Interview] Professor Jisoo Kim, Establishing the Institute for Korean Studies at The George Washington University, 서울신문 [Seoul Newspaper]


December 29, 2015: Young-Key Kim-Renaud, [Interview] on the 12/28/2015 Abe-Park announcement on “Comfort Women” by an English radio broadcasting station in Pusan, eFM90.5 Busan’s “Morning Wave in Busan” (a current affairs program) in Pusan, Korea [Choose 12/29/2015 to get the special interview segment.]

October 17, 2015: Young-Key Kim-Renaud, [Interview] on the proclamation document of the Korean alphabet by “This Morning” Chosun Daily News Press

October 9, 2015: Young-Key Kim-Renaud, [Interview] “Excellence of the Korean alphabet & King Sejong’s Legacy,” Young-Key Kim-Renaud interviewed by “This Morning” program on tbs eFM (101.3 MHz), which is the first all-English radio station in Seoul. The interview was broadcast on the Han’gŭl Day

September 11, 2015: Young-Key Kim-Renaud, [Interview] “Views from the U.S.: Chinese Military Parade and Japanese Naval Drill–Professor Young-Key Kim-Renaud says, ‘Friendly relations between China, Japan, and Korea could accelerate Korean reunification.’ (미국에서 바라본 동북아: 중국의 열병식과 일본의 관함식–김영기 교수, ‘한중일의 친밀한 관계로 북한의 통일을 앞당길 수도 있어’),” Chosun Pub

August 24, 2015: Young-Key Kim-Renaud, [Interview] “‘A strong culture has universal values,’ says Dr. Young-Key Kim-Renaud, transmitter of Korean language and Korean studies for 32 years (문화대국길 열려면 세계 통하는 보편성 찾아라—미서 한국어∙ 한국학전파 32년 김영기 박사),” Segye Daily