Summer 2023: June 4th, 2023 – June 17th, 2023

The GW Insitute for Korean Studies is proud to present the 2023 Summer Study Abroad Program in South Korea! By visiting various sites in South Korea, we will use the border as a lens into exploring four main themes: Korean identities, culture, division, and reunification. We will treat these themes not as mutually exclusive but constitutive entities. Thus, these four themes will be reflected in readings, discussions, on-site lectures, and site-visits. In addition, the concept of the border will be the prime into the larger political, economic, social, and cultural conditions that enabled its metamorphosis. In particular, we will trace the transnational processes of modernization, imperialism, colonization, the Cold War, decolonization, and neoliberalism that have shaped and continue to shape Korean identity and culture. Our interdisciplinary inquiry draws from history, literature, anthropology, business, film, media, and performance studies.
The itinerary for the 2023 program is not yet finalized, but will be similar to the 2022 program.
Application Process
Important Note: This program is currently set to be in-person in South Korea. For updated information regarding GW’s travel policies, please check the Student Travel Policies website. We also encourage all students to remain updated through GW’s COVID-19 resources page. GWIKS fully expects the 2023 program will be held in person in South Korea, but reserves the right to cancel the program or change the program to a virtual format in the event of a sudden change in the COVID-19 situation in South Korea and/or a change in GW’s Travel Policies.
Eligibility: This program is open to all current undergraduate students (Freshmen to Juniors) at GW who are interested in pursuing Korean studies. Students who plan to major or minor in Korean will be given priority during the interview process.
Tuition & Fees: This is not a credit-bearing program so you don’t pay tuition for the program. Selected students will be provided with two-weeks lodgings, partial meals & transportations, admissions & fees. Students will bear their round-way flight tickets (about $2,000), insurance (about $40), public transportation (subway/bus), and personal expenses.
- All participants will give a portfolio presentation or create a video at the end of the program. They will have the chance to win a $200 award for the best presentation.
Application Instructions:
Submit an Application Form by the deadline including an unofficial transcript and Statement of Motivation as a PDF. The Statement of Motivation is a one-page essay explaining the motivation for applying for this program. (i.e. why you are interested in Korea, the goal of studying Korea at GW before graduation, what classes you plan to take, and what research topics on Korea you are interested in, etc.)
Selected students will be contacted for an interview in March.
Application Deadline: February 27th, 2023 11:59 PM EST
For more information, visit the GWIKS website or email
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I don’t know how to speak the Korean language. Can I apply?
A: Yes, All programs will be provided in English. In addition, there are no prerequisites for this program. This program aims to invite students interested in studying Korea to explore the country by connecting virtually for professional site visits and lectures.
A: GWIKS fully expects to host the program fully in-person this year. South Korea has removed its travel restrictions and visitors are able to enter the country without quarantining or proof of a negative COVID test (with limited exceptions below). In the event that there is a sudden change in the COVID-19 situation, GWIKS reserves the right to cancel the program or change it to a virtual format. Please reference our 2021 Virtual Program schedule for an example of our virtual program.
A: This is not a credit-bearing program so you don’t pay tuition for the program. Selected students will be provided with two-weeks lodgings, partial meals & transportations, admissions & fees. Students will bear their round-way flight tickets (about $2,000), insurance (about $40), public transportation (subway/bus), and personal expenses. In the unlikely event that the program needs to switch to a virtual format, there is no cost for students to attend and GWIKS covers all the program and materials costs.
A: South Korea is not requiring quarantine anymore. Although this requirement was removed beginning September 3, 2022, it is still required for travelers arriving from China, Hong Kong, or Macau.
Video created by the previous participant, Donna Yang