Topic: The #MeToo Movement in South Korea
Background: The #MeToo movement began as an online effort to expose sexual harassment and assault in the United States in response to allegations against film director Harvey Weinstein. The movement then spread from Hollywood to other sectors and to other nations. In South Korea, it took hold after a prosecutor spoke out about her experience of harassment and the resulting professional backlash. Artists Ko Un and Lee Youn-taek and presidential hopeful Ahn Hee-jung are among the most famous Koreans to be called out for sexual misconduct. South Korean President Moon Jae-in has called for a wider #MeToo movement and urged authorities to investigate cases thoroughly.
Guiding Ideas:
– How does the #MeToo movement in South Korea compare to the movement in the United States or in other Asian countries?
– What are the strengths and weaknesses of the movements’ strategy and goals?
– What impact will the #MeToo movement have in South Korea?
– What cultural or policy changes would reduce sexual harassment and assault in South Korea? What are the obstacles to implementing these challenges?