Book Launch Event
South Korea’s Survival Strategy – Nakyon Lee’s Initiative
Monday, May 22, 2023
3:30 PM – 5:00 PM EDT
In-Person Event
George Washington University, Elliott School for International Affairs 1957 E ST NW, Washington DC
Lindner Family Commons, Room 602
**Consecutive interpretation from Korean to English will be provided during the Q&A session**
** 발표는 한국어로 진행되며, 순차 통역(한국어/영어)이 제공됩니다. **
The GW Institute for Korean Studies invites you to a conversation with GWIKS Visiting Scholar Nakyon Lee, the former Prime Minister of South Korea. Based on his research during his term at GWIKS (June 2022-June 2023), he recently published a book in Korean entitled South Korea’s Survival Strategy – Nakyon Lee’s Initiative [Daehaminguk Saengjon Jeonryak – Lee Nakyon ui Gusang] (Book 21, 2023). At the book event, Prime Minister Lee would like to share his concerns about the current global situation and to discuss ongoing issues in international affairs. This book event will continue the discussions based on Mr. Lee’s lecture hosted by GWIKS in February. The book has already attracted great interest in South Korea for its analysis of survival strategies as the country faces military tensions on the Korean peninsula, U.S.-China competition, the Ukraine war, and global instability. Before returning home in late June, he will give lectures at two universities in Germany. We hope many of you can join us!
조지워싱턴대학 한국학연구소(GWIKS) 방문연구원 이낙연 전 대한민국 국무총리와 함께 북 토크를 겸한 귀국 간담회에 여러분을 초대합니다. 이 전 총리는 GWIKS에서의 연구를 토대로 한글책 ‘대한민국 생존전략-이낙연의 구상’ (21세기 북스)을 출간했습니다. 이 책은 한반도의 군사적 긴장과 미중 경쟁, 우크라이나 전쟁 등 세계정세의 불안한 전개에 직면한 대한민국의 선택을 제안해 한국에서 큰 주목을 받고 있습니다. 이 전 총리의 귀국을 앞두고 관심 있는 분들과 고민과 지혜를 나누고자 합니다. 지난해 6월부터 GW의 방문연구원으로 활동한 이 전 총리는 미국을 떠나 독일의 2개 대학에서 강연한 뒤 6월 하순에 귀국할 예정입니다. 관심 있는 분들의 많은 참여를 바랍니다.

NAKYON LEE is a former prime minister of the Republic of Korea, who served under the Moon Jae-in administration. He graduated from Seoul National University with a degree in law and became a journalist at Dong-a Ilbo. After 21 years as a journalist, he entered politics and served five terms as a member of the National Assembly. During hisfourth term in 2014, he became the governor of Jeollanam-do Province until President Moon nominated Lee as his first prime minister in 2017. He was also elected as the chairperson of the Democratic Party of Korea in 2020. During his years in public affairs, he has focused on both domestic and international affairs of South Korea. As prime minister, he was responsible for overall domestic issues, including the safety of the citizens and society. He was a member of the Foreign Affairs and Unification Committee at the National Assembly, in which he worked towards a peaceful inter-Korean relationship. He currently serves as a Visiting Scholar at the GW Institute for Korean Studies, where his research focuses on the peacebuilding process on the Korean peninsula.
Introductory Remarks

ALYSSA AYRES is Dean of the Elliott School of International Affairs at George Washington University. Ayres is a foreign policy practitioner and award-winning author with senior experience in the government, nonprofit, and private sectors. From 2013 to 2021, she was senior fellow for India, Pakistan, and South Asia at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), where she remains an adjunct senior fellow. Her work focuses primarily on India’s role in the world and on U.S. relations with South Asia in the larger Indo-Pacific. Her book about India’s rise on the world stage, Our Time Has Come: How India is Making Its Place in the World, was published in 2018. Ayres is also interested in the emergence of subnational engagement in foreign policy, particularly the growth of international city networks, and her current book project (working title, Bright Lights, Biggest Cities: The Urban Challenge to India’s Future, under contract with Oxford University Press) examines India’s urban transformation and its international implications. From 2010 to 2013, Ayres served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for South Asia. She received an AB from Harvard College and an MA and PhD from the University of Chicago.